Hands up if you've ever been hit with intense climate anxiety... We don't blame you, because we sometimes feel the same. In today's world, its hard not to. With so many negative updates on not meeting (or completely missing) our environmental targets, and very little being done to help combat the climate crisis, it can be all too easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless.
While every single action truly does make a lasting positive difference, we know it can be a daunting topic. So this Earth Day, we wanted to round up some of our favourite "good climate news" snippets over the past few months, to help inspire positivity and action in our community.

1. UK emissions in 2023 fell to the lowest level since 1879
The analysis done by Carbon Brief shows emissions fell to just 383m tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2023. This is the first time they have dropped below 400m tonnes since Victorian times.
SOURCE: Carbon Brief

2. Giant Anteaters are returning to Southern Brazil
After previously being considered extinct for over 100 years, these animals are making a comeback, with 11 sightings of them happening in the wild since August 2023.
SOURCE: Monga Bay

3. Slovakia plans to be coal-free by mid-2024, 6 years ahead of schedule
Last month, the country stopped operations at it's coal-fired power plant, stating that its electricity will now come almost entirely from nuclear and renewable sources. The phaseout was originally planned for 2030 but has now been expedited to June 2024, when it will join Belgium, Austria, Sweden and Portugal as a coal-free country.
SOURCE: Euro News

4. Second hand clothing will account for 10% of global fashion sales next year
It's no surprise that thrifting has skyrocketed in recent years, but this figure proves that we are finally making a difference. With support from major players like Ebay, who are eliminating fees for selling used clothing, we can expect to see this number continue to rise in coming years.

5. The world's oldest tortoise is turning 191 this year
Jonathan, the world's oldest tortoise is celebrating his 191st birthday in 2024! He lives on the remote island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean and has far outlived his mates, who's average life expectancy is only 150 years old.
SOURCE: Smithsonian

6. Austria has helped pay for over half a million electronic device repairs
In an effort to tackle e-waste, the European country has implemented a program to cover half the cost of repairs for defective devices such as smartphones, laptops, coffee makers and dishwashers. Since being introduced one year ago, it has seen 560,000 vouchers worth up to €200 redeemed, according to the Environment Ministry.
SOURCE: EuroNews

7. Over 300,000 kgs of plastic have been removed from the GPGP so far
Thanks to the work of The Ocean Cleanup, they have developed innovative methods that are proving to tackle the enormous garbage island, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The GPGP is triple the size of France, but thanks to their efforts, they are able remove a football field of floating plastic garbage every five seconds.
SOURCE: The Ocean Cleanup

8. Western Australia has banned single use coffee cups
As of March 2024, all coffee cups which are not reusable, or compostable, have been banned in Western Australia. While there is a 12-month transition period, there will be fines for non-compliance – up to $5,000 for individuals or $25,000 for businesses. Their other plastic-free initiatives have already led to 430 million fewer single-use plastics going to landfill or litter annually in WA.

9. EU has banned the destruction of unsold clothing and accessories
The growth of online shopping and flexible return practices have resulted in a drastic increase of excess products. Both fast fashion and luxury brands have been reported to destroy returned or unsold clothing and accessories. A recent study estimates that 4-9% of all textile products put on the market in Europe are destroyed before use, amounting to between 264,000 and 594,000 tonnes of textiles destroyed each year.
SOURCE: European Environment Agency

10. Kenyans have been given a tree-planting holiday
The Kenyan government has just announced a new holiday, in which residents will have a day off in order to help promote country-wide tree planting. With goals to plant 100 million trees by citizens, this will help the government's goal of planting 15 billion trees in the next 10 years.